Phase 1 - Residential
The first phase of the water demand investigation is to acquire data from recently commissioned residential buildings in conjunction with a similar investigation being undertaken by CIBSE in the UK.
Following the conclusion of the testing, the results will be analysed for the maximum reading, the average reading, and the average daily peak at each building.
“We are planning to produce a performance solution template which will available for all designers to download free of charge on the HCAA website. ”
This template will be produced from the correlations in the final results which will then be aligned with an international standard.
Phase 2 - Hospitals
We are proposing to move the data loggers from the residential sites over to hospitals in 2020 to commence Phase 2 of the Water Demand Investigation.
Future Plans
Once we have collected sufficient data which we are confident in, we will look to update the Australian Standards with the updated probable simultaneous demand conversion for each of the different sectors. The updated conversion will ideally utilise a full flow to peak flow conversion to ensure it is future-proofed; also, advice in regards to design velocities will also be noted and recommended.
The final planned phases of the project include:
Phase 3 - Aged Care
Phase 4 - Offices
Phase 5 - Schools
Phase 6 - Shopping Centres